UNDP – United Nations Development Programme

Empowering 1,600+ Local Administrations with TURBOARD's Role in UNDP’s LAR III Project Backed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.
One of UNDP Turkey’s projects is the Local Administration ReformLAR” which consists of three phases. The third phase of the project (LAR III) included:
  • Developing a Performance Management System which will provide opportunities for local municipalities to become a pilot municipality in this system’s works,
  • Developing a software which will monitor the effect of the implementation of the Metropolitan Municipality Law on the municipalities,
  • Supporting the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in monitoring, analyzing, providing improvements and decision-making for both systems within a unified infrastructure.

In May 2020, TURBOARD submitted a bid proposal in response to the UNDP’s Invitation to Bid (ITB) for building the needed software. A couple of months later, the contract was awarded to TURBOARD.
TURBOARD undertook the data-based software component of LAR III, creating and updating the necessary software to support the project's objectives.
The software was developed using TURBOARD’s modules and interfaces, and in June 2021 it was launched under the name “Yerel Bilgi” (in English “Local Information”).
Several pilot municipalities, provincial directorates, and similar affiliated administrations began usingYerel Bilgi Forms”, the data feed side of the software.
The General Directorate of Local Authorities at the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change began using “Yerel Bilgi Reports”, the monitoring, supervising, reporting and analysis side of the collected data.
With the integration of the “Yerel Bilgi” software:
  • Leveraging TURBOARD’s FOR-S module (integrated as “Yerel Bilgi Forms”), a cohesive platform was established. This platform not only streamlined data input for thousands of participants from diverse municipalities but also offered enhanced flexibility to the General Directorate of Local Authorities at the ministry.
  • The adaptability of “Yerel Bilgi Formsenabled the ministry to customize forms for any data collection needs, reinforcing a synergized data handling approach.
  • Harnessing TURBOARD’s business intelligence strengths within “Yerel Bilgi Reports”, advanced visualization tools, such as GIS and regional mapping, enabled instantaneous reporting, thorough monitoring and analytics across the collected vast data framework.

Since “Yerel Bilgi” software was launched, TURBOARD worked closely with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change to ensure the full implementation of the project and to provide the necessary technical support. To read our success story with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, click here.

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