Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology

In early 2022, the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology embarked on a transformative journey with TURBOARD, aiming to revolutionize their data-driven decision-making processes and enhance overall organizational efficiency.
As a crucial institution, the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology plays a pivotal role in the nation's development. Their responsibilities encompass oversight, regulation, and fostering growth within the industrial and technological sectors.
While the Ministry was already utilizing a Business Intelligence (BI) tool for their reporting and analytical needs, they recognized the imperative for advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. These capabilities needed to seamlessly integrate into their online systems and efficiently harness the wealth of their data. Their quest for a powerful solution led them to choose TURBOARD, known for its track record in delivering comprehensive and customizable embedded reporting solutions.
TURBOARD seamlessly integrates with the Ministry's Industrial Registry Information System (Sanayi Sicil Bilgi Sistemi), providing an intuitive platform for collating, analyzing, and visualizing data from their main database. This integration has enabled the Ministry to access actionable insights effortlessly.
Within the Ministry, an array of employees, ranging from top management to regulatory personnel, now possess the ability to monitor and assess critical aspects of their domain. TURBOARD's intuitive reports and dashboards are accessible to authorized users through the Industrial Registry Information System, empowering them to make informed decisions.
Since the Ministry adopted TURBOARD embedded dashboards and reports, their employees have gained a competitive edge in the following key areas:
  • Strategic Decision-Making: TURBOARD empowers the Ministry with comprehensive data analysis across various metrics, including sales and production activities, investments, organizational information, and other industry-specific data, allowing for sectoral comparisons, industry assessments, and strategic planning.
  • Resource Efficiency and Sustainability: Through monitoring and assessment of environmental impact, energy efficiency, and waste management practices, TURBOARD promotes sustainability and responsible resource utilization, reducing environmental footprint.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: By monitoring consumption activities and assessing data, it enables efficient resource allocation, optimizing resource utilization and contributing to sustainable practices.
  • Investment Insights: TURBOARD provides valuable insights into investments, compliance monitoring, and the organizational landscape within the Ministry's jurisdiction. This data-driven approach aids in strategic decision-making and growth planning.
  • Asset Management: The platform enhances machinery asset management by offering insights into compliance, energy efficiency, and industrial activities of registered entities. This streamlines operations, reduces downtime, and improves maintenance practices.

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